Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ubuntu 10 out on 10.10.10

Official Ubuntu circle with wordmark. Replace ...While technically its 10.10.2010 by the modern calendar it is no surprise that ubuntu 10 was released on today's date at 10:10:10 GMT,  instead the typical 6 month release cycle the ubuntu community is used to.  

Some of the new features are of Ubuntu 10 are:

Performance Upgrades
New Unity UI (better management of screen area for Netbooks)
A Applications Market Place (for developers to better access community)
Multitouch Enabled Display (hardware needed)

So if you'd like to try out Ubuntu or upgrade from 10.4 head over to and download the 10 release for your desktop, netbook, or server!

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!

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