UPDATE: Additional findings and possible conclusions!
All sliced in their software Pango - So I have a couple of prints that I was doing I derived from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:961176 . I printed the initial hive file (or a remix actually that just added windows to the back to snake your cable through) and with the initial print I kept getting this terrible banding along the z-axis which I thought might be z-wobble but it seems a bit too "wide" to be so, so I'm not sure exactly what this is or how to fix it or what causes it.
If you run your finger along the walls you can feel the bumps so its not just within the print. could this be a result of some kind of weird infill (which i think i had set to 20% but as you can tell the walls are thin enough where it doesn't do any infil.
I think created a completely separate file and model (just a single hex pillar and then was going just glue them together in any config I wanted) but was still seeing the banding despite not using any bit of the other file as you can see here...
then just to check to see if there is an issue with the printer I did a benchy after printing out the single hex pillar and the benchy came out practically perfect. So again i'm not sure what those bands are...
I think the only diff in settings is that the banding hive/pillar is 300 microns vs 150 microns of the benchy or whatever pangos initial slicing is...
any ideas, suggestions, or if others have seen this behavior, any info would be helpful. The hive cable storage is still very much useable and the banding doesn't really effect the projects i'm currently doing just don't want it effect the quality of project later that might rely on perfect finishes and or accuracy...
thanks in advance!
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